Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Invitation for a public workshop (The Obama Presidency and Prospects of Palestine Solidarity Action in the USA)

The Center for Global Consciousness (CGC)
Cordially invites you to attend

A workshop on

The Obama Presidency and Prospects of Palestine Solidarity Action in the USA

Dr. Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi
Mr. Jaime Veve

Dr. Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi is a distinguished scholar and longtime Palestinian activist who is Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies and Director of the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative at the College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University.

Mr. Jaime Veve is a distinguished leader of the Latino-American community in New York and longtime antiwar activist from Vietnam to Iraq. He is an organizer of the Transport Workers Union and Co-Chair of the Palestine Labor Action Network.

Thursday, Jan 29, 2009
3:30 pm

Al Yasmeen Hotel
Nablus -- Palestine

Saturday, January 10, 2009


My crime is premeditated Gaza
Punishable by hope
Lynched by a scope
of "Lost Horizons"…
Oh Gazan-gri-la:
My beloved paradise
Full of blood and fallen butterflies
All truths are nothings but lies
That is what Israel is saying to the world…
You must believe her for she is the only one who knows
F-16s are peace loving white doves
It is wrong to think of them as black crows
The one thousand bounds bombs
Are nothing but candy bars
And the mutilated bodies of children have no scars…
These are only engraves of ancient biblical names
Sacred to all
And we must memorize them good
Before we fall
Into our deep sleep
And dream of nothing but the glory of Eretz Israel…

Oh Gazan-gri-la:
My sweet sweet paradise
The nice smell of burned flesh
The juicy pieces of human shish kebab
Levni and Barak are having a dinner party tonight
Only the elite are invited: Sarkozy, Bush, Obama, and our blessed Mubarak…
The Security Council will keep the food warm
So no ceasefire till all the guests eat
And congratulate Israel for this wonderful treat…

By Saed J. Abu-Hijleh
Nablus, Palestine
Jan 7, 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009

(Solidarity Tent with Gaza in Nablus City Center)(Thursday, Jan 8, 2009, 1 pm)

دعوة للمشاركة في خيمة التضامن مع أهلنا في غزة -- دوار الشهداء -- نابلس -- الخميس 8-1-2009 -- الساعة 1 بعد الظهر (Solidarity Tent with Gaza in Nablus City Center)(Thursday, Jan 8, 2009, 1 pm)

إنطلاقا من أهمية التضامن مع أهلنا في غزة
وتعبيرا عن رفضنا للهجمة الصهيونية البربرية على كل معاني الحياة والكرامة الإنسانية في قطاع غزة الصامد
فإننا في مؤسسات التضامن الدولي والمؤسسات الوطنية والرسمية
وكافة أحرار العالم

ندعوكم للمشاركة في إفتتاح خيمة التضامن مع شعبنا في غزة المحاصرة
تحت شعار
(أحرار العالم من نابلس إلى غزة)

وذلك يوم الخميس 8-1-2009
الساعة 1 بعد الظهر
في دوار الشهداء
نابلس-جبل النار

الرجاء تعميم هذه الدعوة على جميع الأصدقاء والمتضامنين